
Since FICC began in October 2015, we have been developing clear and firm criteria for the assessment of proposals with the aim of ensuring that every time a FICC event takes place it contributes to the identification, preservation, protection, promotion, evaluation and communication of the most prominent values possessed by the area of knowledge of ceramics, whether these values be human, social, educational, or technical.

Of these strategies (the same ones that are used for the work of  expert consultants, attainment of a specialized bibliography, data-base revisión), it is worth mentioning the following:

1. International Council for Education in Ceramics-ICEC, will bring together three professionals in the arts with an international track record in ceramics, namely: Graciela Olio, Zandra Miranda and Mayra Lucía Carrillo.

2. Creation of Activity-based Assessment Formats, which after months in the making will allow: a. Use of clear and precise language to foment debate around each of the works, personalities and/or processes in question. b.Performance of assiduous analysis of the proposals and c.Facilitation of delivery of results of the assessment process to participants and in this way foster a permanent process of qualification of the products and processes in the world of ceramics.  

Below are listed the assessment criteria in operation as of April 5th 2018.

General recognition of outstanding personalities and proposals

FICC will use three kinds of visual distinction in its programming to acknowledge both a lifetime’s dedication to fomenting social, cultural and educational values via ceramic culture, and the most important works in ceramic. Due to this there are distinctions for people, and for artworks, products, and projects.
These are as follows:

Distinctions for people

- Laurel breastplate: Known as the tree of fire, this plant is linked to the god Apollo, protector of art, music, poetry and wisdom. It represents victory, glory and personal achievement. The  breastplate will be printed in the FICC photos of each recipient.

- Coloured circle with gold five-pointed star and laurel: The circle is the symbol of perfection. The star is associated with happiness, greatness, light and truth and the five-pointed star evokes humanity and alludes to a person who is able to control or dominate the four elements. These symbols together with the Laurel breastplate and the colours that the kiln passes through as it heats to 1100 degrees celcius, are the distintions that will be used in FICC 2018. They are in recognition of time dedicated to training in and practising the ceramic craft or other well-loved professión linked to ceramic culture.

The scale of craft or dedication takes into consideration the following time periods, titles and colour codingr:
-          Between-0 and 3-years: EnthusiastRose-Red
-          Between-4 and 9-years: ApprenticeBright Red Circle   
-          Between-10 and 19-years: Journeyman- Orange Circle.
-          Between-20 and 29-years: Master – Yellow Circle
-          More than-30 years: Grand Master – Whiteish Circle

Proponents enrolled in FICC will receive their distinction from the CIEC, a verification of their participation in the process that will be carried out with them during May. If they wish, ther distinction will be superimposed onto the chest of their FICC profile image, in the appropriate color, thus:  
Persons of any nationality NO enrolled in FICC may request a review of their curriculum vitae or ask for information about the CIEC established conditions for this by writing to the following email address: cieceramica@gmail.
As of the third versión of FICC, promotions and other relevant changes will be announced (new apprentices, journeymen, masters and grand masters), but each applicant must make a formal request for promotion and fulfill the requirements set by the CIEC.
Distinction for outstanding artworks or products 

-          Stars: Bearing in mind the symbolic classifications mentioned, FICC will employ two variants: Violet-Blue Star and Gold Star.

Violet-Blue (a colour that inspires intuition, mystery, magic and enchantment) will be assigned to works whose qualities draw attention in an appropriate and significant way to the fundamental values of ceramic culture. (techniques, materials, communities, history, locality, etc…).

Gold (associated with grand ideals, wisdom and depth of knowledge) will only be awarded to works or productions that as well as fulfilling the requirements for the Blue-Violet star, have also been created by masters or grand masters in ceramic culture.

CIEC is responsible for awarding distinctions and participants will be informed via the assessment form they receive. The distinctions will accomany the maker or the work, as the case may be, in all graphic or identifying material produced by FICC to include them in the the festival program.

Basis of criteria per activity

ACADEMIC ENCOUNTER - EA: In FICC the following will be evaluated: Academic articles, didactic texts, book-albums, journalistic articles, and texts written by ceramicists, according to the formats created for this reason making use of specialist knowledge in the topics and the individual qualities of each

For each edition of FICC, evaluators will choose the author or authors with most written or creative production in their CV, who will receive the title of guest Author and as such will be awarded the laurel chestpiece. They will also be given additional time during the Academic Encounter during which the may launch, or re-launch previous texts, if they so wish.

INTERACTIVE CONFERENCES - CI: In FICC proposals will be evaluated bearing in mind both the contribution that the topic may make towards reflection and communication of all aspects of ceramic culture, and the applicant’s professional trajectory.

If the applicant is a master or grand master and their proposal is well structured and the topic of special significance, they will receive the title of Guest Speaker, and their image will carry the laurel breastplate.

WORKSHOPS - WK:-As with the Conferences, in FICC proposals will be evaluated bearing in mind both the contribution that the topic may make towards reflection and communication of all aspects of ceramic culture, and the applicant’s professional trajectory.

If the applicant is a master or grand master and their proposal is well-structured and the topic of special significance, they will receive the title of Guest facilitator, and the laurel breastplate.

WORKTABLE - MT: Each FICC version will have two types of guests, experts in the annual theme and people over 12.

EXHIBITIONS - EX:-Installation: In FICC proposals will be evaluated based on their clarity, precisión and strength of their main content. In exceptional cases, dependiing on the points awarded during evaluation, the releveant parameters, the originality of the proposal and the applicant’s c.v., the proposal may be awarded one of the stars.

For the directory: All enrolled participants who have submitted the necessary documention will be accepted.

AUTHOR’S CUP - TZ: In FICC two new distinctions will be introduced the BLUE VIOLET and GOLD CUPS recognisable by the corresponding star which appears next to them in the FICC catalogue.

The cups receiving the Blue violet star will fulfill at least two of the following requirements:

1.-Possess a particularly striking shape-design (when compared with the CIEC visual archive).
2. That the technique(s) used in its creation be particularly complex, original or out of the ordinary, and there is harmony in the handling of all elements
3. The values shared by a human group or community inhabiting a specific geographical region are exhibited or transmitted and promoted in the techical charateristics of the cup.

Cups fulfilling the above requirements and whose author has worked with ceramic for over fifteen years will recieve the Gold star..

TEACHER´S DEMONSTRATIONS - DM:-In FICC the authors of coherent and impeccably presented proposals with correct documentation will be singled out in the programming as GUEST MASTER and the Laurel chestpiece will be appear on their photo.

ARTISTIC INTERVENTIONS - IA:-In-FICC the distinction BLUE VIOLET and GOLD PRESENTATIONS will be introduced. They will carry the appropriate star in FICC publications.

Presentations fulfilling at least two of the following requirements wll receive the Blue violet star:

1.- Use the visual medium in a particularly striking manner (when compared with the CIEC visual archive).
2.- That the technique(s) used in its creation be particularly complex, original or out of the ordinary, and there is good handling of all materials.
3.-QThat the subject of the Artistic presentation highlights significatn human values , whether of ceramic culture, or of a particular community of human group belinging to a specific geographical regione.

Presentations fulfilling the above requirements and whose author has worked with ceramic for over fifteen years will recieve the Gold star.

AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTIONS - PA:-FICC audovisual productions are assessed according to criteria based on the reflections generated  by the Instrumental analysis team of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona during their Quality-Comunication” project. This same group proposed to “attempt to develop a way to measure social, educational and moral values of audiovisual content transmitted via televisión and internet”

According to their findings an audiovisual production of quality “contributes to increasing QUALITY OF LIFE, and as such: foments wellbeing, be that emotional, in interpersonal relations, in rights, social inclusión or in the development of the intellectual faculties of its consumers”[1].

The FICC assessment form operates a points system by which an Audiovisual Production with outstanding qualities may be awarded a Blue violet or Gold star

OPEN WORKSHOPS - TA:-In FICC those who are enrolled and fulfill the requirements of the call for proposals will be accepted.

POINTS OF SALE: - PV:- In FICC those who are enrolled and fulfill the requirements of the call for proposals will be accepted.
Assessment procedure

Once proposals have been received and seen to comply with the requirements they will be organised into the assessment forms and undergo a first assessment by the FICC coordinator. Following this the proposal will be passed to a CIEC-linked assessor who will hand it back to the FICC team. They will formulate the result and deliver it to the applicant within the time period stipulated in the FICC offical agenda.

Appeals Mechanism:  Should the applicant disagree with the decision of the assesors they may send a letter or email within four (4) working days of the receipt of the decsion. In said letter the applicant will Make their appeal against the decision of the assessors laying out the reasons or arguments why he or she does not agree with it and will indicate which ítems, judgements or observacions they believe must be reconsidered.

Once the appeal has been received, the CIEC will confirm reception of the message and will take a period of between three and seven days to revise the decision and resend the format. 

Once a third panel has completed the revisión process, the applicant must accept the decision made by the CIEC and may not under any circumstances appeal against it.

Important: Appeals submitted outside of the four-(4) day time period allowed for them will not be accepted by the CIEC.

Texto creado en la cidade de Bogotá - Colombia entre 26 e 31 de marzo de 2018
Traducido en la ciudad de Bogotá - Colombia en Julio de 2018 por Jane Fairfax

© Reproduction of this document or its parts is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of its author: Mayra Lucía Carrillo Colmenares. 

Texts and images are the creation of the autor

[1] Ibidem. Página-5
